Free Stix Day Recap


The first Monday of September is known to most as Labor Day; a national holiday created to recognize hardworking Americans. However, at 1791 E. 10th Street (aka Pizza X Campus), we have our own “Labor Day” … a labor of love known around here as Free Stix Day!

The event begins just about the time the students are hopping out of bed from a long night of being with friends. A line in our campus store winds around cars and buildings like a long rope with various booths of fun set up along the way.


Many people wonder why we do this? Our answer is two-fold. It’s a way of welcoming students back to campus, and because our stix are such a popular item, we LOVE to share them! And the more serious answer is that Free Stix day is not just about handing out a bag of doughy goodness with your choice of dipping sauce, it’s SO much more!

We take this opportunity to raise money for charity, ask our customers to pick our famous X cup colors for the season to come. (might be the only thing more important than stix), or taking a moment to get your photo taken with your friends.


We prep for days, weeks, even months to make every year better and more fun than the last. Sound too good to be true? Come see for yourself next year!