3 Facts About Pizza X


Pizza X has been around since 1982, and even if you’ve been with us since the beginning, there may be things you don’t know about us. I thought I would start this adventure by giving you three great little nuggets of info about our brand.

1. How we stay “fresh”.

Our Commissary General Manager, Jay, once told me that many people don’t even know what a commissary is, and they automatically assume it’s something that’s located on a military base or in a prison. We all know the old adage about assumptions….right? Our commissary is NOT behind a chain-linked fence with barbed-wire, but the practical function is the same. At One World, we look at this “central nervous system” of our business less as a prep kitchen, and more as the way we’re able to give our customers the freshest products possible. Jay and his awesome crew are at the commissary 7 days a week (minus holidays…we aren’t that hardcore) making all of our dough, most of our sauces (yes, this is where the Ranch magic happens), and chopping our veggies. They deliver all of that freshness to our stores daily, and then we deliver it to your door! Amazing, isn’t it?!


2. Cups, Cups, and More Cups!

Our cups are everywhere, and we like it that way! Not only do we sell them in our stores and give them away for fun, I often get requests from our far away fans for cross-country cup shipments. There is no better care package than that, am I right? Too bad I can’t fulfill those requests. Okay, we know everyone loves them, but ever wonder how many cups Pizza X orders each year? You won’t believe it when we tell you…over 300,000!! That’s one massive Pizza X cup collection! We change our cups colors twice a year –stay tuned for your chance to vote on color concepts.

3. We are One World.

Most Bloomingtonions (that’s a word, right?) have ordered Pizza X (it really should be everyone, but who’s keeping track), dined at Lennie’s, drink BBC beer, and attend an event catered by One World Catering. But what people may not know is that we are all one family, or more appropriately, One World. One World Enterprises is the umbrella brand for all of these great establishments, in addition to owning the Commissary and Loesch Farm. The companies may be different, but our values of being focused on fresh products, great service, our local community, and protecting the environment are all One.
